
Pilapt Software
Pilapt Software

Pilapt Software

Feedback is provided.Īviation-English: test English language ability, including recognizing ATC sound messages. These questions are modelled on the style used in the COMPASS test battery. Use our Science database, which contains a large collection of relevant questions and answers organised in to easy, medium and hard difficulties. Tech-Test: technical comprehension test (physics test). Use our ‘Bearings’ activity, modelled on the COMPASS ‘Orientation’ test, to improve your understanding of instrument interpretation and spatial awareness/orientation. Orientation: instrument interpretation, comprehension and spatial orientation. Specifically, use our ‘Flight Director’ activity, which is modelled on the COMPASS ‘Task Manager’ test. Use our ‘Flight Director’, ‘MultiTasker’ and ‘Adjust’ activities to improve your scan and practice multi-tasking. Task Manager: a test of the candidate’s ability to scan the screen and manage two concurrent tasks accurately and quickly. Use our ‘Memory’ activity, modelled on the COMPASS ‘Memory’ test, to improve your memory recall abilities. Memory: accuracy of short-term memory recall and ability to ‘chunk’ information. Use our Maths database, which contains a large collection of questions and answers organised in to easy, medium and hard difficulties. Mathematics: a test of basic applied mathematical understanding and speed. Specifically, use our ‘Align’ activity in vertical mode to mimic a slalom. Use our ‘Align’, ‘Guidance’, ‘Control’, ‘Tracking’ and ‘Spin’ activities to improve your hand-to-eye coordination. Slalom: a tracking task looking at hand/eye co-ordination.

Pilapt Software

Use our ‘Control’ activity, which is modelled on the COMPASS ‘Control’ test, to improve your hand-to-eye coordination. Control: a compensation task looking at basic hand/foot/eye co-ordination.

Pilapt Software